Terms & conditionsThe Youth House will provide the facilities and rooms agreed, but all organisers are expected to take care of the premises, and recognise not only a particular responsibility for their group, but a more general consideration for all the young people and other organisations within the Youth House.
The conditions below are intended to promote our standard of care. Please read them carefully. Health & Safety 1. As the hirer of the premises you are responsible for:- Controlling your admissions to the building; Familiarising yourself with the premises, noting fire exits, the position/type/operation of fire extinguishers, and the alarm activation points on each floor. You must also ensure that you know the evacuation routes, but remember that access to the rear of the property is forbidden, except in an emergency; Ensuring that the security bolts on the fire exits are withdrawn on arrival, reset at departure, and that exit routes are kept clear at all times; Knowing who is on the premises from your organisation, and checking that the number of persons present never exceeds the fire safety limit (currently 50 per floor) including staff and helpers. 2. Organisations must have Child Protection ans Health & Safety policies and practices appropriate to their activities. 3. Your staff must be appropriately trained and experienced for the activities undertaken Substantial users of the Youth House are provided with a more comprehensive information booklet, recognising that they may be the sole occupants of the premises on occasions. This implies that in any emergency, your staff will have the responsibilities normally performed by the Youth House. In the event of Fire: Call the Fire Brigade and evacuate the premises in an orderly manner immediately Control the fire, if possible, by means of the extinguishers provided, but without danger to the operator. Insurance The hirer must have proper insurance for the activities they wish to pursue. The Youth House has insurance for its own public liability, but not for the liabilities or property of the hirer and/or their customers/members. General Matters 1. The rooms must be left in a clean and tidy state, so that they are fit for further use. Food and drink are restricted to the ground floor coffee bar area, and the second floor attic lounge; 2. The premises must be secured properly on exit, if part of the agreement; 3. In the event of damage or deterioration to the premises, the decoration, contents or equipment, other than normal wear and tear, reinstatement or compensation will be required. Please inform BYH of any faults or damage ASAP; 4. Any keys or security codes provided are for the use of the hirer only and must not be issued or copied to any other person or persons. If keys are issued, they must be returned at the end of the agreement; 5. The Youth House User Code is an integral part of these Terms & Conditions. Private Hire Hire by individuals rather than recognised youth organisations will be considered on an individual basis by the BYH Development Manager and delegated Trustees, in accordance with the principals embedded in the above Terms & Conditions. We hope the Youth House provides the facilities you need. If there are any problems or difficulties then please let us know. If you are a new potential user and would like to visit the premises to see the facilities, please make contact and we will arrange that. We wish you an enjoyable and successful time. |